July 30, 2009 journal, did you read the bill is the message being advertised now by the non Republican Republicans and the answer is no just like they did not read the bailout bill or any bill passing Congress in the last many years. They will not even publicize the h*a*te crimes bill because it will violate the rights of the citizens worse than ever before. They should pass a bill that would negate every bill passed that every Congress member has not read every word and page of. That would be the first step to making things right. This Non-Republic Non-Democratic nation is so busy twisting arms bribing money until they have no time to read the laws they vote on. The Supreme Court law that elected a president in 2000, the Supreme Court bill legalizing abortion nationwide in the early '70s. Someone should of read those bills. No wonder this nation is broken when these people have no eyes or time to read the laws they are passing as the public listens to television propaganda day & night. There is hardly any common sense to be found in this country. The wool was pulled over this country's eyes in going to war against Saddam Hussein. Now Congress has no will to prosecute the guilty because the Banksters of Wall Street will not allow it. There are some movies coming out about the corruption in government. A Boston policeman e-mailed the Boston Globe about the Gates case calling Gates a banana eating jumble monkey. They have always accused the south of being prejudice. Today they will drink beer on the White House lawn. If this were America they would be drinking tea like the British. Beer is alcoholic and is considered to be a redneck custom. The Great Holy Harvard Cambridge may be the beginning of civil war II in this country. Now Dan Rather wants the government to bail out the failing news media as an industry. I am delighted to know the liberal press is failing but a bailout means that we are giving tax money to Australia billionaire Rupert Murdoch and we do not know the top brass in NBC, CBS, Disney's ABC or CNN's Time Warner. This is more real time socialism. If we are without the propaganda they spread we will be a lot better off to say the very least.